Sunday 2 May 2010

Useful Eclipse plugins (1) - Grep console

I hope this is just the first in series of posts regarding useful Eclipse plugins - there are so many of them. Quite a lot are widely known - here I want to concentrate on the ones that I wasn't aware of for quite a long time.

Grep Console is one of them - a very useful plugin as, like in my current project, the amount of log output is enormous. It's easy to miss what you're looking for... well, not any more.

Here are my settings for this plugin (unfortunately the line with settings cannot be split!):

#Fri Jan 22 16:46:53 GMT 2010
settings=<?xml version\="1.0" encoding\="UTF-8" standalone\="no"?><expressions><expression grepExpression\="^(.*Exception\:|.*Caused by\:|\\s*at).*$" name\="EXCEPTION"><style background\="ff80c0" foreground\="000000"/><style/></expression><expression grepExpression\=".*ERROR.*" name\="ERROR"><style background\="ff0000"/></expression><expression grepExpression\=".*WARN.*" name\="WARNING"><style background\="ff8040"/></expression><expression enabled\="false" grepExpression\="^.*INFO .*$" name\="INFO"><style foreground\="808080"/></expression><expression grepExpression\="^.*DEBUG.*$" name\="DEBUG"><style foreground\="c0c0c0"/></expression><expression enabled\="false" grepExpression\="^[^\\d].*$" name\="NONLOG"><style foreground\="c0c0c0"/></expression><expression grepExpression\="^\\t.*$" name\="TAB"><style foreground\="000000"/></expression><expression grepExpression\="^Hibernate.*$" name\="HIBERNATE"><style foreground\="c0c0c0"/></expression></expressions>

It needs to be placed in %ECLIPSE_WORKSPACE%\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\com.musgit.eclipse.grepconsole.prefs file